The Calgary Horseshoe Club is the preeminent indoor horseshoe pitching facility in North America. The club has dedicated itself to the promotion and excellence of the sport of horseshoe pitching since 1986. There have been significant improvements to the infrastructure of the building, including new observation windows with state-of-the-art materials and a new playing floor with new pits, backboards and runways.
The club offers rental opportunities to outside organizations with a large meeting room and a full commercial kitchen. More information is included under the Rental Prices tab.
The Calgary Horseshoe Club has hosted many major Canadian horseshoe pitching events since its original construction. The Canadian Horseshoe Pitching Championships have been held here in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2002, as a follow-up to the World Horseshoe Pitching Championships in Red Deer, Alberta, 2008 and 2014. The Western Canada Classic has been held in conjunction with the Canadian Championships on many occasions.
The Provincial Championships have been held in Calgary since 2006 in an effort to eliminate the vagaries of weather interruptions for this major tournament. The Alberta Open and the Memorial are other events held in our facility.
Letting people know the fun of the game has been the overriding tenant of our organization. One member describes horseshoes as ‘the game everyone has played in someone’s backyard at one time or another’ and this is so true. We try to help people regain their fond memories of their youth and family time and make sure everyone has a wonderful experience when they attend our club. Check us out on Tuesday evenings and Thursday afternoons and you will see what we mean.