Officers of the Calgary Horseshoe Club


Don Wilby – President

Don Wilby became a member of the Calgary Horseshoe Club back in September 2014. He has served as a Board Member from 2015 to 2017 and was elected President of the club in September 2017.

His first exposure to this great game was as a youth growing up in the West Kootenay’s of southern B.C. Don, like many of our members, was introduced to the sport of horseshoes during camping trips with friends and family members.

Don welcomes people of all ages to The Calgary Horseshoe Club website. The Calgary Horseshoe Centre has long been recognized as a state-of-the-art facility with 20 indoor and 10 outdoor pits. Since 1986 the club has proudly hosted many local, provincial and national tournaments.

If you require further information on the club, contact info is available on our website.


Rhod Hubbard – Vice President

Rhod started playing horseshoes with the Calgary Corporate Challenge around 2010. He won medals in 2011 and 2013 but not the gold, so he thought joining the Calgary Horseshoe Club would improve my game. 2014 saw Rhod become an avid horseshoe pitcher in both league and tournament play.  The gold medal for horseshoes with the Calgary Corporate Challenge still eludes him but hope springs eternal.  He realized that horseshoes is a simple game but there are details and practice required to make any game really improve.

Rhod became a Board member at large in 2016 and is currently serving his second term as Vice-President of the Calgary Horseshoe Club.


Gail Aker – Secretary

Gail Aker is the Volunteer Secretary of the Calgary Horseshoe Club as well for the Alberta Horseshoe Pitchers Association (AHPA).  Gail has served on various committees at the club and comes with over 30 years’ experience in administration roles.  Born in Nova Scotia, she has lived in Ontario and for the past 46 years has made Calgary home.  Gail has participated in several horseshoe tournaments and has accomplished a goal of becoming an Alberta Champion in her category in 2018.  Her goal is to continue assisting in a volunteer capacity at the Calgary Horseshoe Club, improving her percentage average and helping whenever she can.


Mary Holley – Treasurer

Mary was introduced to horseshoes in 1970. She attended several tournaments but did not play until the mid-1990’s. Mary’s first big tournament was the World Tournament in Red Deer in 2002. She has played in 18 consecutive World Tournaments and has not missed a Canadian Championship since 2003. Mary became actively involved in the administration side in 2005. Her education, interest and work in financial administration for 40 plus years has provided a great background for volunteering in the horseshoe world. Mary has become involved in the finances with the local, provincial and Canadian horseshoe organizations and truly enjoys helping with the money side of the organization.


Dianne Beck – Calgary Tournament Director

Dianne’s involvement in horseshoes and the different iterations of the club go back to the late 1980’s. There isn’t a time when most of our members remember Dianne not being there in one capacity or another. She has involved herself in the sport of horseshoes locally, provincially and nationally and has become integral part of the organizations. She has served several terms as the Calgary Horseshoe Club Tournament Director where her responsibilities include taking entries and doing the draws. Dianne also assists the Provincial Tournament Director during the provincial tournaments.


Gary Bartholet – AHPA Zone 3 Director

Gary started pitching horseshoes and realized that there was much more to the sport than just pitching. He was elected the Zone 3 representative to the Alberta Horseshoe Pitchers Association and has continued to serve while playing to quite a high standard in tournaments all over Alberta and Canada.

Board of Directors:

Sid Aker

Gary Brown

Leo Coninx

Jane Cordingley

Jack Dyck

Louis Lallier