ATTENDANCE: Gail Aker, Sidney Aker, Gary Bartholet, Dianne Beck, Gary Brown, Dwayne Collins, Leo Coninx, Jane Cordingley, Jack Dyck, Mary Holley, Mike Holley, Rhod Hubbard, Darla Lallier, Louis Lallier, Syd McPherson, Russell Mercer, Egon Sandau, Gracie Sylvester, Don Wilby, Doris Winfield.
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 1 PM by Don Wilby, President
MOMENT OF SILENCE: To remember members no longer with us. Frank McLaren, Jerry Reiman
WELCOME TO MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Don Wilby welcomed all the members who have come to the meeting. Due to COVID 19 protocols, Executive decided to start meeting at 1 PM, no lunch, etc.
INTRODUCTION OF EXECUTIVE: Don Wilby, President; Mary Holley, Treasurer; Gail Aker, Secretary
CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA, ADDITIONS: Added under New Business (****)
MINUTES OF 2020 AGM: Minutes of the 2020 CHC AGM was distributed via email and at the meeting. No errors or omissions: Leo Coninx moved to accept the minutes as distributed. Russell Mercer seconded. Motion carried.
TREASURER/AUDITOR REPORT: Mary Holley distributed copies of Notice to Reader report for the 2020 year received from Carstairs Accounting to those in attendance who required. The balance as of December 31, 2020 is as follows:
Cash: $ 78,007 GIC $52,5527
Bingo: $12,043: Donations: $6,387 of which $3500 from AHPA
Crib Tournaments: $783: horseshoe tournaments: $340
Alberta Government: $1,040 – COVID Relaunch program; $450 from selling of unused items and personal donations
City of Calgary: $12,995- COVID Grant City of Calgary: $189,858 – CCG Grant
Rentals: $4,200
Expenses: Insurance $7162: Accounting: 2000 $279,403: Repair, Maintenance Floor
Safety $4,104 Utilities: $12, 800
Utilities for accounting purposes includes electricity, gas, water (Epcor), Telus – phones/internet as well as Waste Connection. As of May 1, the city will be taking over our waste collection for $120.00 a month which will be a substantial saving over the $480 per month currently paying. The city will be picking up the garbage every week. Everyone will have to be more aware of exactly what is to go into the garbage.
Mary moved to accept the Notice to Reader & Financial Report as presented and reviewed. Gary Brown seconded. Motion carried
2021 BUDGET: Mary Holley. Copies of the Draft Budget were distributed at the meeting. The Draft Budget for 2021-2025 must be a balanced budget for every two years as required by AGLC; as well for five years as per City of Calgary lease agreement.
Mary will continue to apply for any grant and/or programs from the Province and the City of Calgary. The south furnace was repaired however no invoice received from the supplier.
Remedial repairs are based on a grant application to the City for regrading, paving of driveway and parking lots. Balance of revenue is based on whether normal operations will proceed.
Expenses: Expenses would be the club’s share of the regrading, replacement of the balance of the main area windows as well as completion of the baseboards. Again, operating costs to be affected by any return to normal operations such as league play, tournaments.
Mary moved the 2021 -2025 budget be accepted and approved as presented and the 2022-2025 Budget to remain as draft. Jack Dyck seconded; Motion carried.
Bingo- Mary reported the club had bingos in June, July, September, October, and November. The Bingo Barn has gone to V bingos 7 times a week. Special Thanks to Dianne Beck for handling three of these V bingos. A new membership agreement for the Bingos has been accepted and signed off by Don Wilby and Mary Holley which changes how the pools are determined and distributed. The Bingo license application for July 2021 to June 2023 was submitted.
Mary Holley moved that the Calgary Horseshoe Club to continue to hold bingos at the Bingo Barn for the period July 1, 2021 until June 30, 2023. Dianne Beck Seconded. Motion carried.
Casino- Mary advised our scheduled Casino for November 20, 2020 was postponed due to Casinos being closed by the Alberta Government. Our next date was February 14 & 15 which again was subsequently postponed. The Casino coordinator has advised the club to be ready and available for a Casino possibly in the second quarter (April, May, or June). Mary will advise the volunteers when the club gets their next Casino date.
Bar Report/ Recycling/ School visits: Mike Holley
2019 -Bar Revenue $14,750 2020- $3152, net income $2050.00.
Recycling $175.00 School Reports: 2020 – no visits 2021- no visits booked
Kitchen: Mary Holley
Closed due to COVID in March however was able to use the kitchen for AHPA AGM in October and the tournament the next day. Any food supplies have been given away, sold, or disposed. Thanks to Brenda and Mary for cleaning. At present time kitchen will remain closed.
Rentals: Gail Aker
During 2020, there were 10 requests for rental as well some members had inquired about a rental in 2020. There were four rentals booked for 2020, which were to be held February to December subsequently cancelled due to COVID. At the present time, there are no rental inquiries from the public. After the meeting received a call from a possible rental for dog trials once the club can reopen.
Finance Committee: Mary
The Finance Committee consists of Don Wilby, Mary Holley and Gail Aker. The committee have met several times with most meetings until September regarding any major renovation and/or repairs. Met several times in reviewing the financial situation, grants, and relief grant applications as well as the budget.
Zone 3 Report: Gary Bartholet
In 2020 only three tournaments were held and from March 16, 2020 to the present day, all other tournaments have been cancelled. Hoping that league play and tournaments can proceed soon.
Cribbage: Dianne Beck
2020 – had 3 crib tournaments, no reopening at this time, if play continues the cards must be changed after every hand. Dianne has all the numbers for the crib players and once crib is allowed, she will contact the players.
Correspondence: Gail Aker
The club received various emails and information relating to the COVID 19 protocols, how to reopen on Phase 2; having to close on November 14 from all league play. Sending emails to members regarding any information on the club’s reopening or not. Forwarded documents in November 2020 for the filing of CHC Society Return, received back in December approved with no recommendations for any changes. In future, all correspondence from Service Alberta- Registries will be send to the club’s email address.
Presidents Report: – Don gave his President’s Report (See attached)
Mike Holley moved that all reports be accepted as presented. Gary Bartholet seconded. Motion carried.
All Sport/One City: Rhod Hubbard
The 2020 All Sport/One City was held for 4 days – 42% turnout. Due to COVID, the 2021 indoor activities were cancelled. The club is rethinking whether it feasible to hold any more events.
Kitchen Security Shutters: Don
The kitchen security shutters still need to be repaired (1) however due to the fact they are an older model, parts are difficult to find if at all. The mechanism is a closed unit so cannot take one to replace another. Eventually the shutters will need to be replaced; however, with the kitchen closed, no rush. Mike will investigate the costs for repair/replacement and any approval for repairs/replacement can be approved at a general meeting.
Fire Suppression System: Mike
Sprouse had advised it must be inspected every 6 months, however Mike is checking to see it is necessary with the kitchen not being used. Repairs have been completed with the safety exhaust fan hinged and a guard rail was installed on the roof to make it safety compliant
Plexiglass/Door Replacement Project: Mike/Don
The plexiglass/door replacement costs were approved at the General Meeting on January 29, 2021. Austen Contracting commenced work on February 1 and was completed on February 28. The new Plexiglass/Lexan requires a special cleaner and microfiber cloth for maintenance. DO NOT USE PAPER TOWELS, WINDEX, OR ANY OTHER CLEANER/CLOTH OTHER THAN WHAT HAS BEEN PROVIDED.
Playing Area Baseboard Installation Project: Mike/Don
At the General meeting on January 18, 2021 a motion was approved for the baseboard to be installed along the north, south and west walls of the playing area. This work has been completed on February 28. Special thanks to Austen Contracting for the excellent job on these two projects.
2021 CHC Memberships: Gail
In total prior to the meeting there were 47 members renewed with 12 outstanding. Most of the outstanding are our older members who will not be playing until it is safe for them to do so.
Pits/Playing Floor Maintenance (Inside): Don
The floor cleaner now repaired with the surface cleaned with thanks to Mike, Gary, and Louie. Don & Lorraine come in every week to keep the pits watered and the clay in good condition until the club can get back to league play. Once league starts, for those who are able, please turn the clay.
CHC Website: Mike
Our website was discussed at one of the Finance Committee meetings and agreed it needs to be modernized. Currently Jan of Skyline Design maintains the website at a cost of $15.00 per month and this cover checking for virus, Trojans, etc. The cost of the domain is covered by CHC. Jan sends a report every three months which shows the number of hits it receives. Don advised that he has had several complaints about the quality of the website
Mike moved that Calgary Horseshoe Club hires Skyline Design to update, modernize and improve the CHC website at a cost of not more than $1800. Rhod Hubbard seconded.
Discussion: any ideas on how to enhance our website let Mike know. If any member has ideas, please give to Mike Holley. Motion carried.
Waste Removal Contract: Don
As of May 1, the city of Calgary will be the new service provider for the club. The Waste Connection contract was terminated as of May 1 by a written notice and delivered by registered mail in November 2020.
Capital Conservation Grant Application: Don
At the General meeting on January 18, 2021 a motion was approved to submit a City of Calgary Engineering Consultant Program (ECP) through the Capital Conservation Grant Program. This program provides a 100% funding towards an engineering consultant who will investigate the lifecycle issues. The ECP application packaged was delivered to the city on February 23. The club is looking at the possibility of the driveway paving, north parking lot grading and possibly the east parking lot
Future CHC Projects: Don
Future projects would include painting the office, bar men’s and ladies’ washrooms along with some drywall repair in the bar ladies’ washroom; horseshoe washing bay area to be painted. Once the CarCar club moves out, the balance of the lines on pits 1 – 8 will have to be completed. Don noted that Rob Lallier has done a lot of painting which included the line painting, and he did a wonderful job. Thanks Rob!
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Don
All members are in favour of a ceremony, wine & cheese possibly during a major tournament such as the Memorial. Should invite our contractors, the TV channels, and all previous members.
***** Damage Prevention for New Doors: Don
Require some protection installed on new doors to prevent damage from flying horseshoes. Moved by Louis Lallier that the Calgary Horseshoe Club authorize the spending of up to a maximum of $800.00 to prep, cut and install plastic panels on the playing side of the new doors (7) to prevent damage from flying horseshoes. Jack Dyck seconded. Motion carried.
***** Old Plexiglass & Door: Don
Any member who would like the old playing doors and plexiglass can have at a no charge (Free).
Dates to Remember
May 15 & 16, 2021 Calgary Open June 26 & 27, 2021 Western Canada Classic (Kamloops, BC) – still not confirmed this tournament will be held, Jane is checking
July 3 & 4, 2021 Provincials (Calgary) July 21 – 31, 2021 World Championships – Winnemucca, NV
August 17 – 22, 2021 Canadian Championships – Guelph, ON August 28 & 29, 2021 Alberta Open (Calgary)
September 18 & 19, 2021 Fall Memorial Classic (Calgary)
The meeting was turned over to Mike Holley to handle the elections. Nominations for the following positions are for the 2021 – 2-year terms.
Don Wilby has agreed to stand for 2021-2023 term for President. No other nominations were received from the floor. Don Wilby acclaimed as President
Gail Aker has agreed to stand for the 2021-2023 term for Secretary. No other nominations were received from the floor. Gail Aker acclaimed as Secretary.
Tuesday Draw Master
Jane Cordingley has agreed to stand for the 2021-2023 term for Tuesday Draw Master. No other nominations were received from the floor. Jane Cordingley acclaimed as Tuesday Draw Master
Bingo Manager
Mary Holley has agreed to stand for the 2021 – 2023 term for Bingo Manager. No other nominations were received from the floor. Mary Holley acclaimed as Bingo Manager.
Calgary Tournament Director– not to be confused with AHPA Tournament Director
Dianne Beck has agreed to stand for the 2021 – 2023 term for Calgary Tournament Director. No other nominations were received from the floor. Dianne Beck acclaimed as Calgary Tournament Director.
Zone 3 Director: liaisons between CHC and AHPA
Gary Bartholet has agreed to stand as Zone 3 Director. No other nominations were received from the floor. Gary Bartholet acclaimed as Zone 3 Director
Board of Directors (3)
Louie Lallier, Jack Dyck, Gary Brown, and Russell Mercer agreed to stand for these 3 positions. No other nominations were received from the floor. At this time, Russell Mercer had decided to decline standing for the position. Louis Lallier, Jack Dyck, and Gary Brown have been acclaimed for 2021 – 2023 term as Directors.
Update on positions that have one year left on their term.
Vice President- Rhod Hubbard
Treasurer – Mary Holley
Casino Manager – Mary Holley
Directors – Sid Aker, Leo Coninx and Jane Cordingley
Meeting turned back to Don Wilby, President
Appointment of Accounting Firm: Mary Holley
Mary Holley moved that Carstairs Accounting Services be appointed as the accounting firm of record for the 2021 year. Doris Winfield seconded. Motion carried.
Tournament: Dianne Beck
March tournament at CHC has been cancelled.
Next Meetings:
General Meeting April 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Motion received from floor to adjourn meeting at 3:15 pm.